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By default, results will be public energy products but if authenticated organisations will also see products available to their organisation.


  is_variable = NULL,
  is_green = NULL,
  is_tracker = NULL,
  is_prepay = NULL,
  is_business = FALSE,
  available_at = Sys.Date(),
  authenticate = FALSE,
  api_key = NULL



(boolean, optional) Show only variable products.


(boolean, optional) Show only green products.


(boolean, optional) Show only tracker products.


(boolean, optional) Show only pre-pay products.


(boolean, default: FALSE) Show only business products.


Show products available for new agreements on the given datetime. Defaults to current datetime, effectively showing products that are currently available.


(boolean, default: FALSE) Use an api_key to authenticate. Only useful for organisations.


Your API key. If you are an Octopus Energy customer, you can generate an API key on the developer dashboard.


a tibble


get_products(is_green = TRUE)
#> # A tibble: 15 × 16
#>    code        direction full_name display_name description is_variable is_green
#>    <chr>       <chr>     <chr>     <chr>        <chr>       <lgl>       <lgl>   
#>  1 AGILE-24-1… IMPORT    Agile Oc… Agile Octop… With Agile… TRUE        TRUE    
#>  2 AGILE-BB-2… IMPORT    Agile Oc… Agile Octop… With Agile… TRUE        TRUE    
#>  3 AGILE-OUTG… EXPORT    Agile Ou… Agile Outgo… Outgoing O… TRUE        TRUE    
#>  4 AGILE-OUTG… EXPORT    Agile Ou… Agile Outgo… Outgoing O… TRUE        TRUE    
#>  5 COOP-SEG-E… EXPORT    Co-op Sm… Co-op Smart… This is ou… FALSE       TRUE    
#>  6 COOP-SEG-F… EXPORT    Co-op Sm… Co-op Smart… This is ou… FALSE       TRUE    
#>  7 CP-16M-25-… IMPORT    Co-op Co… Co-op Commu… This fixed… FALSE       TRUE    
#>  8 LP-SEG-EO-… EXPORT    my londo… my london s… This is ou… FALSE       TRUE    
#>  9 LP-SEG-FIX… EXPORT    my londo… my london s… This is ou… FALSE       TRUE    
#> 10 OUTGOING-S… EXPORT    Octopus … Octopus Out… Outgoing S… FALSE       TRUE    
#> 11 OUTGOING-S… EXPORT    Octopus … Octopus Out… Outgoing S… FALSE       TRUE    
#> 12 OUTGOING-S… EXPORT    Octopus … Octopus Out… Outgoing S… FALSE       TRUE    
#> 13 OUTGOING-S… EXPORT    Octopus … Octopus Out… Outgoing S… FALSE       TRUE    
#> 14 OUTGOING-V… EXPORT    Outgoing… Outgoing Oc… Outgoing O… TRUE        TRUE    
#> 15 OUTGOING-V… EXPORT    Outgoing… Outgoing Oc… Outgoing O… TRUE        TRUE    
#> # ℹ 9 more variables: is_tracker <lgl>, is_prepay <lgl>, is_business <lgl>,
#> #   is_restricted <lgl>, term <int>, available_from <chr>, available_to <lgl>,
#> #   links <list>, brand <chr>