octopusR is an R package that provides access to the Octopus Energy REST API. With octopusR, you can easily retrieve data from the Octopus Energy API and use it in your R projects, or Shiny dashboards.
If you find this package useful, why not sponsor me on GitHub or sign up for an Octopus Energy account with my referral code (jolly-bloom-201)!
octopusR can be installed from CRAN.
If you would like the development version, it can be installed from GitHub, using the remotes package:
# Install remotes if needed
if (!require("remotes")) install.packages("remotes")
To use most functions in octopusR, you will need an API key from Octopus Energy, you can find this on the developer dashboard. Once you have your API key, you can use set_api_key()
to interactively input and store the API key for the session:
# Set your API key
Once you have authenticated with the API, you may also want to set your electric and/or gas meter details.
# Set details for your electricity meter
set_meter_details(meter_type = "electricity")
# Set details for your gas meter
set_meter_details(meter_type = "gas")
You can use the other functions in the package to interact with the API. For example, you can use the get_consumption()
function to retrieve data about your energy usage:
# Get data about your energy usage
energy_usage <- get_consumption(meter_type = "elec")
#> ℹ Returning 100 rows only as a date range wasn't provided.
#> ✔ Specify a date range with `period_to` and `period_from`.
# View the data
#> # A tibble: 0 × 0
For more information and examples, see the package documentation and the Octopus Energy API documentation.
If you have suggestions for improving octopusR, or if you have found a bug, please open an issue. Contributions in the form of pull requests are also welcome. See the guide to contributing for more details.
Code of Conduct
Please note that the octopusR project is released with a Contributor Code of Conduct. By contributing to this project, you agree to abide by its terms.